Ultimate Chinese Anki decks list.

If you’re learning Chinese, you might feel overwhelmed by the vast number of characters and grammar rules. Using Anki decks for sentence mining allows you to create personalised flashcards that help reinforce your understanding of the language in a practical way. This method focuses on pulling sentences from the context, so you connect vocabulary and grammar with real-life usage.

A person studying Chinese with Anki, using a laptop to mine sentences, surrounded by Chinese language materials

Despite there being plenty of Chinese Anki Decks available online, there are in fact only a handful which are good for sentence mining. Many only contain words and word definitions, instead of good quality complete sentence examples, making them not great for sentence mining.

Check out our recommended list of Mandarin Anki decks below, which all have English and Chinese sentence examples, meaning they're excellent for sentence mining.

Furthermore, all of the following Anki decks have been verified for import into Mandarin Mosaic, so that you can get started straight away immersing yourself in sentences drawn from real-world sources. Check out our Anki deck import guide for instructions on how to import Chinese Anki decks into Mandarin Mosaic.

LTL Mandarin Anki decks

These are a collection of Anki decks provided by the Chinese language learning organisation LTL Mandarin. They are conveniently organised into several levels from basic to advanced. English Sentences have been taken from the Tatoeba Project. Although some sentences in these decks are slightly strange, on the whole we found them useful for expanding our vocabulary.

Chinese Grammar Wiki Study Deck

The Chinese Grammar Wiki Study Deck contains 5864 cards from the popular website Chinese Grammar Wiki. As such, it focuses heavily on grammar structures. We generally found the senences to be of high quality. Although the vocabulary is limited, it's a great resource for learning many new grammar structures and will definitely complement your learning material.

800 Basic Chinese Characters

The 800 Basic Chinese Characters Anki deck provides example sentences in Chinese and English for some of the most commonly used 800 Chinese characters. This deck is aimed at beginners so the sentences don't contain too many high level complicated words. We found it refreshing to study after tackling some of the more difficult decks.

Chinese HSK1

The Chinese HSK1 Anki deck is a collection of 300 example sentences for HSK1 words from chineseaudioflashcards.com. All sentences only contain HSK1 words which makes it a great resource for beginner level learners. This is great as a first deck to start on for pure beginners.

Chinese Mandarin HSK3 sentences

The Chinese Mandarin HSK3 sentences Anki deck contains 151 cards at HSK3 level making it a small but useful deck for lower intermediate level learners.

Chinese 100 most used words in example sentences

The Chinese 100 most used words Anki deck contains 107 cards for the 100 most used Chinese words. It's also another great deck for pure beginners and contains more well-rounded vocabulary as it's not focused directly on the HSK lists.

AP Chinese Vocab with sentences

The AP Chinese Vocab with sentences Anki deck contains 851 sentences on a wide range of topics including family, art, culture and science. We found the broad range of topics covered quite useful. The sentences have been generated with ChatGpt 4, so not all may be entirely accurate, but are a good source of vocabulary.

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Learn Chinese faster with Mandarin Mosaic

If you enjoy Anki for sentence mining you'll love Mandarin Mosaic. Mandarin Mosaic is a specialised app for Chinese sentence mining. With thousands of sentence examples, vocabulary tracking, a pop-up dictionary and a built-in Chinese news reader, you'll have everything you need to take your Chinese to the next level.

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